ATTENTION: Due to health problems, I will not be able to run classes for the foreseeable future. I apologize.
Sacto Hema offers classes in Historical European Martial Arts. Classes focus on German Longsword in the tradition of Johannes Liechtenauer, Sigmund Ringeck, and the rest of the German masters. We also teach dagger, wrestling, and long knife (messer) techniques from the same tradition, based on the fightbooks written by those masters to spread their methods.
Contrary to what popular culture would have you believe, the martial arts of Europe were just as subtle and sophisticated as any on the planet. HEMA compares favorably to jujitsu, kendo, escrima, and kung fu.
Here is a taste of what HEMA can look like:
If you would like to learn a serious martial art with a history normallly ignored by films and TV, please stop by. Meetings are on Saturday at 10.
We are at:
Mission Park
3344 Mission Ave.
Carmichael, CA
Class Calendar
Aaron Harmon
HEMA Instructor