Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Some thoughts on controlling the bind and winding effectively.

I have been working on a concept that seems to help during sparring when in the bind and seems to help with some winding while there.

How often do we see two opponents come into the bind strongly and their guards go upward almost into a kron position? It seems that if two combatants are driving forward and their swords bind strongly, their weapons have to be deflected somewhere perpendicular to the forces. Often this is upward.

If you move through the positions of right ochs, right pflug, left pflug, and left ochs you will see that your guard moves in a circle while your points stay fairly stationary. This creates cone. All of the points on the base of that cone lie on a line perpendicular to the forces between two people in a strong bind.

When you bind strongly, the combined hilts are going to move to a point on the base of the cone. All the strikes done during winding come from those positions. I do not refer here to changing under or take offs. We should drill controlling where the blades go on that line.

If they go directly upward, you can do crown strikes or techniques from crown such as running through. If you control the deflection to your left, either by pushing that way with your arms or stepping to the right, you come to left ochs and the first winding or a zwerchau. If you deflect it the others way, by hand or foot as before, you can perform the second winding or a doubling by zwerchau.

If the force deflects more horizontally, you can come to pflug positions. To the left gives a shielhau or a thrust and to the right another doubling, this time with the long edge.

You can control which point the blades move to with straight arms and a good frame coupled with footwork and good body mechanics.

I will post more and I clear up my thoughts better on the subject.

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